One of the first things that you'll need to do is get to know a bit about the product so that you can make an informed choice about which of the cheapest dvd camcorders is for you . One of the advantages to the dvd camcorder lies in the fact that there are no tapes to rewind like other versions of the handheld recorder. The other feature that attracts many customers is the fact that most have the ability to timestamp and bookmark sections so that you can find them later. There are other versions of this camcorder that are less expensive. When you start looking there are other considerations that you'll want to look at that will affect price as well.
Latest Technologies
The latest technologies are the hard drive and/or flash drive camcorders that will allow you to save several hours of recording. While the price is a lot higher at the moment, it's expected these will save you money in the long run since this version has no tape or dvd drive to deal with.

So one of the cheapest dvd camcorders on the market comes from Canon. Model DC210 has all the features that are found on the more expensive models like some of the other sony dvd camcorders, but this unit allows you to record right on dvds and there are several ways that you can view what you record afterwards. Even though this is a refurbished model, it comes with a 60-day limited warranty that can be extended. The dimensions and some of the other specification s are as follows,
- 2.7 inch LCD screen
- Built in image stabilizer
- Only 8cm in diameter
The Canon Model DC210 can be found for under $200 by shopping around.
Of course there is stiff competition for the cheapest dvd camcorders and it's no surprise that other big name companies have thrown their hat into the ring. When you start looking to the Japanese companies, you'll be able to find the cheapest dvd camcorders online from some of the names that you know like Samsung. For just under $250, you'll be able to catch up on the complete line of Samsung SC-DX103 DVD camcorders that have all the amenities that you might expect to find only in the more expensive sony dvd camcorders on the market. It's important to remember here that companies like Samsung have been around for a long time and they've been able to produce some of the cheapest camcorders that give you the added advantage of being able to record right to DVD. As well these all generally have the 800k CCD sensor and 720 x 480 Resolution. These also have the tilt display that comes in handy when you want to keep track of how your day's shooting is progressing.
Heavy Weights
Of course the heavy weights in the business are not to be out done and Sony has jumped into the fray of the cheapest dvd camcorders with their Sony DCR-DVD 110 DVD Camcorder. Once again this unit offers the chance to film directly onto dvd and this innovative product from the people at Sony also comes with a self timer and day light correction capabilities. This is one of the lighter units when it comes to the cheapest dvd camcorders as it only weighs 390 grams and this one is compatible with both PC and Mac platforms. At retail cost of a little over $250 USD at some retailers, it seems as good as deal an anything you're likely to get when you're trying to find the cheapest DVD camcorders online.
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